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The Nethersole

CofE Academy and Nursery

Inspire, Enjoy and Achieve, in the love of Jesus Christ


The Nethersole Church of England Academy

Admissions Code 2022-23


The school has a Published Admissions Number (PAN) of 45 pupils into each year group.

The Governors have elected to continue to follow the Warwickshire County Council admission's code.


We would be delighted to receive an application from you to send your child to our school. If you wish to apply you will need to undertake this on line using the following link:


If you have any difficulties applying online please contact the school and we will assist you: 01827 892357


If you apply for a place at the school and the school is oversubscribed (has more applicants than there are places available) your application is given criteria. Places are then offered in criteria order to fill the school. The school follows the Warwickshire County Council over subscription criteria:


Warwickshire County Council’s (WCC) oversubscription criteria

Children with a Statement of Special Needs (now referred to as an Education and Health Care Plan) are admitted first and this will reduce the number of places available for other applicants. After statemented pupils, the following criteria apply:


  1. Children in care of, or provided with accommodation by, a Local Authority and children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted under section 46 of the Adoption and Children act 2002.


  1. Children living inside the priority area who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission. (The Nethersole C of E Academy priority area can be located at )


  1. Other children living inside the priority area.


  1. Children living outside the priority area who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission.


  1. Other children living outside the priority area.


The latest WCC admission arrangements can be located at:



The school buys-back Warwickshire County Council to undertake our appeals process. The latest arrangements regarding appeals can be located at: 



For parents interested in enrolling their children for the next academic year, we hold open days in November.


Alternatively, please contact the school office so that an appointment can be made for you to tour the school.



Admission to Polesworth High


All children within our 'normal area' (previously referred to as 'catchment area') also fall within Polesworth High's normal area and therefore are a priority group for admission to the secondary school.


Children outside of our 'normal area' may fall within a priority group for admission for the high school. For further information on how this is defined by the high school and their 'normal area' please see the following link:


